How it Works

Chipmunk Tel uses a little box you plug into the Internet…

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Plans and Pricing

Plans for less than $10 a month!
“We recently switched our home phone at both our home and chalet locations and are on track to save $1000 per year with no reduction in services provided or sound quality.”
– Doug T.
“I had bad cell service in my house, so decided to try. Amazing voice quality, better than we had before.”
– Sharon F.
“The installation and setup was as simple as you can get and quick and painless. I am impressed with the voice quality – as good as the land line was – and the voicemail features are unique. The savings over my traditional carrier are substantial. It was the right way for us to go and a great service for seasonal or full time residents.”
–Jack J.
“We are paying 80% less than what we used to pay for home phone and with way more features. I should have done this sooner.”
– Rose S.
“A simple and very inexpensive way to add a home office line. Works like a charm”
– Steve P.
“I was about to give up my home phone then a friend told me about Chipmunk. I am saving so much and I kept my home number.”
– Alan H.
“Just switched to Chipmunk Tel from a traditional land line. The call quality is actually BETTER that before. Sounds like they are right there in the room with me. Outstanding!”
– Joe A.