Call Forwarding allows you to send incoming calls to another number of your choosing.  Calls can be forwarded to another land line or cell number.  The following types of call forwarding are possible with the Chipmunk Tel. Note: all Call Forwarding options must be set up on the phone connected to Chipmunk Tel. Call Forwarding options can’t be enabled or disabled remotely.

Call Forward ALL:  When you use Call Forward ALL, all calls are immediately forwarded to the number you indicate when you turn on the feature. To enable Call Forward ALL, from your Chipmunk Tel phone, dial *72. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded. Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard.

To disable Call Forward ALL, dial *73.  A confirmation tone will be heard.


Call Forward on Busy: When you use Call Forward on Busy, all calls are forwarded to the number you indicate only when you are already engaged in a call with. To enable Call Forward on Busy, from your Chipmunk Tel phone, dial *60. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded.  Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard.

To disable Call Forward on Busy, dial *61. A confirmation tone will be heard


Call forward on No Answer:  When you use Call Forward on No Answer, all calls are forwarded to the number you indicate only when you do not answer the call with your phone. To enable Call Forward on No Answer, from your Chipmunk Tel phone, dial *62. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded.  Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard.

To disable Call Forward on No Answer, dial *63.  A confirmation tone will be heard.